Guest Blogging: Complete Step by Step Guide 2023

In this article, I am going to show you how to do guest posts on other relevant sites. 

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know about guest posting.  

If you are a website owner and want to publish guest posts on other sites. 

You have two options buying guest posting services or doing it manually.  

According to my experience, you have to put a lot of time into guest posting. 

But if you can buy the services you should. You can also contact us to get services. 

If you want to do a guest post step by step you should follow the steps below. 

What is Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a strategy where individual or company owner.

You write and publish blog posts on someone else’s website or blog. 

In other words, it involves contributing content as a guest author to a website that is not owned by you.

The purpose of guest blogging is to reach a wider audience, establish credibility, and build relationships with other bloggers or website owners in your industry.

Benefits of Guest posting

There are a lot of benefits to posting on other relevant websites. Here I have mentioned all benefits. You should know before starting your journey. 

  • Expanded Audience Reach 
  • Increased Brand Exposure
  • Enhanced Credibility and Authority
  • Quality Backlinks
  • Networking and Collaboration Opportunities
  • Targeted Traffic Generation
  • Learning and Growth
  • Long-term Benefits: Guest posts often have a lasting impact. Even after the initial publication, your content may continue to drive traffic and generate leads over time. 

How to do Guest Post Step By Step


This infographic contain 7 steps of doing guest post

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience and Goals

Before diving into guest posting, it is crucial to define your target audience and determine what you hope to achieve through your guest posts.

You should understand your audience. Here I will discuss what things you should consider when choosing your audience. You need to understand your audience’s interests, preferences, and needs.

3 Steps to understand your audiences


Now you need to align your content with their expectations.

Simultaneously, identify your objectives, for example, building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, or driving traffic to your website

This step will help you in the foundation of your successful guest posting strategy.

Let’s move on to the second step. 


Step 2: Research Potential Guest Posting Opportunities

This step will be so huge so listen and read it carefully. Researching potential guest posting opportunities is a crucial step in your guest posting strategy.

Here I will discuss some detailed steps to help you find relevant websites and blogs that accept guest posts in your niche:

Define Your Niche

Identify the specific niche or industry you belong to. I hope you know which industry you are working in.

For example, our blog is about SEO. But SEO comes in a digital marketing niche. You can select according to your site.

This will help you narrow down your search and find websites that cater to your target audience.

Use Search Engines

Your next step to finding a guest post opportunity is to use search engine strings. You can use the following search strings in Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. 

“Your Niche” + “Write for Us”

Example: “Fitness” + “Write for Us”

“Your Niche” + “Guest Post”

Example: “Travel” + “Guest Post”

“Your Niche” + “Submit a Guest Post”

Example: “Food” + “Submit a Guest Post”

“Your Niche” + “Contribute”

Example: “Technology” + “Contribute”

“Your Niche” + “Blogging Guidelines”

Example: “Fashion” + “Blogging Guidelines”

“Your Niche” + “Guest Blogging”

Example: “Finance” + “Guest Blogging”

“Your Niche” + “Become a Contributor”

Example: “Health” + “Become a Contributor”

“Your Niche” + “Guest Author”

Example: “Business” + “Guest Author”

“Your Niche” + “Write for Me”

Example: “Parenting” + “Write for Me”

“Your Niche” + “Guest Posting Opportunities”

Example: “Art” + “Guest Posting Opportunities”

Social Media Platforms

You can also use social media platforms, especially Twitter and LinkedIn, to find guest posting opportunities.

Simply Search for hashtags related to your niche, for example, #guestpost, #blogging, or industry-specific hashtags. Follow influencers, bloggers, and websites in your niche to stay updated on their guest posting opportunities.

Competitor Analysis

It’s also the best way to find guest posts. You need to look at guest posts published by your competitors or other influential figures in your industry.

For example, you can use the tools like semrush, ahref, and Ubbersuggest.

I personally use Ubbersuggest. Simply go to the backlink analyzer and enter your competitor’s domain name here.

Entering a keyword in UbberSuggest Search bar


It will show you the backlinks report. So reach out to the sites that have backlinks of your competitors and ask them for your guest post.

Guest Post Directories

 Did you know? There are many Guest Post Directories out there. If you are lazy and can’t find the sites that accept guest posts.

You can use these directories to explore guest post directories like, MyBlogGuest, GuestPostTracker, or Blogger LinkUp.

These directories categorize websites that accept guest posts. They make it easier to find opportunities in your niche.

Advanced search operators

utilizing advanced search operators can be a highly effective way to identify websites that specifically mention guest posting or have dedicated pages for guest contributions.

Here are a few examples of how you can use advanced search operators:

“Your Niche” + intitle: “guest post”

Example: “Technology” + intitle: “guest post”

This search string will display results that have the phrase “guest post” in the page title and are relevant to your niche. It helps you find websites actively seeking guest contributors.

“Your Niche” + inurl:”write-for-us”

Example: “Fitness” + inurl:”write-for-us”

Step 2: Use the Moz Chrome extension

 When you start finding websites Moz Chrome extension helps you to find the DA PA of any website. 

It will show you the number of authority that a site has. Also, you can see the backlink number of a page. Simply go to google install this Chrome extension and create your free account to start your work. 

Step 3: Study the Guest Posting Guidelines 

After identifying potential guest posting opportunities, it is crucial to study their guidelines carefully.

 Study the Guest Posting Guidelines

All sites have it’s guidelines but here I will discuss some common points to remember. 

word count, formatting preferences, preferred topics, and guidelines for including links. 

Some websites just show you guideline pages but they are not strict when you try to post on bigger sites then you need to follow the guidelines. 

Step 4: Develop Unique and Valuable Content Ideas 

With a clear understanding of your target website’s guidelines and audience, it’s time to brainstorm unique and valuable content ideas.

You need to ensure that your ideas are original, well-researched, and offer value to readers.

Analyze the target website’s existing content to identify any gaps or areas where you can provide a fresh perspective. Crafting compelling and relevant content ideas increases your chances of getting your guest post accepted.

Step 5: Craft a Compelling Pitch 

Most guest posting opportunities require you to submit a pitch before proceeding with the actual guest post.

Your pitch should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to the target website.

In 2023 you can use the tool called ChatGPT. It will help you to write the best email. You can also use the below template. 

Email template for guest posting

Outline your proposed topic, highlight your expertise, and explain why your content would be valuable to their readers.

Personalize your pitch to demonstrate your familiarity with the target website and increase the likelihood of acceptance.

Step 6: Write Your Guest Post

Once your pitch is accepted, it’s time to start writing your guest post.

Follow the website’s guidelines regarding word count, formatting, tone, and structure. Craft a compelling introduction that captures the reader’s attention, develop a well-organized body with subheadings and relevant examples, and conclude with a strong and actionable conclusion. 

Step 7: Edit and Proofread Your Post 

Before submitting your guest post, it is vital to edit and proofread it thoroughly. Check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors.

Read your post aloud or seek assistance from someone else to ensure clarity and coherence. A well-edited and error-free post increases your credibility as a guest author and enhances the overall quality of your content.

Step 8: Include Relevant and Non-Promotional Links

Incorporating links in your guest post is essential for providing additional value to readers.

However, it is crucial to include only relevant and non-promotional links. Avoid excessive self-promotion or the use of affiliate links.

Instead, focus on including links to reputable sources that support your points or provide further information.

If permitted, include a brief bio and a link to your website or social media profiles in your author byline.

Step 9: Submit Your Guest Post 

Follow the target website’s submission process and submit your guest post according to their guidelines.

Some platforms have submission forms, while others may ask you to send your post via email.

Double-check that you have included all the necessary information and attachments before submitting.

Submitting your guest post correctly is crucial for a smooth and efficient publishing process.

Step 10: Engage with Readers and Promote Your Guest Post 

Once your guest post is published, actively engage with readers by responding to comments and questions.

This interaction helps build a rapport and establish your authority within the community.

Additionally, share your guest post on your social media platforms, website, and email newsletter to increase its visibility. Encourage your audience to share it with their networks, creating a ripple effect that expands your reach and boosts your brand.

Buy Guest Posting Services

At you will find the best websites for guest posting. They have 14000+ sites in 100+ niches.

They only charge 10$ per guest post. It’s cheap.

If you go out and see the other guest post sellers you will find that they charge 100$-1000$ per post.

And also most of them aren’t trusted. So if you want to get the best services you should hire keywordro.

Guest Post tools

Utilizing guest posting tools can greatly streamline and enhance your guest posting efforts.

These tools offer features and functionalities that assist in finding relevant websites, automating outreach, and managing guest posting campaigns.

Let’s explore some popular guest posting tools and their benefits:

  1. Pitchbox: Pitchbox is a comprehensive outreach and relationship management platform. 
  2. BuzzStream: BuzzStream is a comprehensive outreach and link-building tool. It helps you discover relevant websites and bloggers for guest posting through its prospecting features. 
  3. SEMrush: While primarily known as an SEO tool, SEMrush also offers features that can assist in finding guest posting opportunities. 
  4. Moz: Moz is another popular SEO tool that provides various functionalities for finding guest posting opportunities. 
  5. BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a content research tool that can help you find influential websites and bloggers in your niche. 

These guest posting tools can significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in finding guest posting opportunities, managing outreach, and building relationships with relevant websites.

They provide valuable features to streamline your guest posting campaigns and increase your chances of success.

You should consider exploring these tools to maximize your guest posting efforts and expand your online presence.

Guest Blogging for SEO

Guest blogging can be a valuable strategy for enhancing your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

A recent by Semrush says that 53% of marketers mentioned that guest posting or guest blogging is an effective way of building their backlink profile

  • Backlink Building: Guest blogging allows you to include links back to your own website within the content or author bio. 
  • Increased Organic Traffic: When you contribute valuable content to popular blogs or websites, it attracts readers who are interested in your industry or niche. 
  • Brand Exposure and Recognition: Guest blogging helps increase your brand visibility and recognition. 
  • Targeted Audience Reach: Guest blogging allows you to target specific audiences within your niche. 
  • Social Media Amplification Many blogs and websites promote their content on social media platforms. 

When guest blogging for SEO, it’s important to keep a few best practices in mind:

  • Choose reputable and relevant websites within your niche for guest posting.
  • Focus on providing high-quality and valuable content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within your guest posts to improve search engine visibility.
  • Include a link or two back to your website, ensuring they are contextually relevant.
  • Engage with the host website’s audience by responding to comments and promoting the guest post on your own social media channels.


Guest posting is a valuable long-term strategy for enhancing your online presence, reaching new audiences, and establishing yourself as an industry expert. I hope you have learned about it. If yes? Leave a comment below. 

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